Monstera Deliciosa or Mexican Breadfruit is the fruit of a split-leaf philodendron, native to Central America. It's covered in green, vaguely poisonous scales which must be allowed to fall of on their own. (So, in addition to having a monster in your house, you must wait patiently for it to be ready to be eaten so it won't injure you). The monster sat shedding & emitting a funky odor on our counter for a few days. That weekend, Dave deemed to ready to eat and cut into it....
you know me, i'm an adventurous eater, but i'm having flashbacks to durian and thinking, am I really up for this?
okay. my turn. im skeptical. the black flecks remind me of the myth of black seeds in bananas being tarantula eggs, but i am bold. i bite, and... yeah, its okay. kinda like banana+pineapple, only with kernels, somewhat like corn. it'd probably be a good addition to a fruit salad. there's
another exciting day in eating, another strange thing from the produce aisle eaten. but, probably not again.
can you email me:, i have some question wanna ask you.thanks
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