The most amazing thing happened today. A man in a too-tight button up shirt was playing the theremin at 10am on the sidewalk in front of Red Lobster in downtown silver spring. Of course, I had to talk to him. Arthur Harrison was playing the prototype for his newest model - it'll be available soon on his website -
Harrison Instruments.

I didn't have the courage to ask him if i can play it, but if by some magical luck, he's still there when i go out for lunch, you'd better believe i'll be rockin it out. Sadly, i've left my camera-phone at home today, so i don't have any documentation of this rare strange occurance in The 'Sprung.
For those that don't know what a theremin is, think about the common sound between old horror movies & the Beach Boys. Of course the sound of the theremin will spring instantly to your mind. You may also listen to it's sounds at Harrison Instruments. It's one of the first electronic instruments and is played without your hands actually touching the instrument. I have no idea how this works, but Dave, you'd better build one pronto! (my new friend Arthur can sell you the kit & provides free customer service!)

Apparently creepy old ladies love to play theremin, too, and one of the best (apparently) is named Clara Rockmore, which is fitting for any self-respecting rock chick. she's pictured above. or left. or whatver.
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