I've been lusting after my neighbor's pear tree since I moved to the area about two years ago. I finally got the courage to leave a note:
'dear neighbor, i'm in love with your tree. im happy to clean your yard in exchange for pears. I'll even pick them myself.'
she called right away & dave & I went over the next weekend. He climbed the tree & we knocked pears out with a rake. We hauled away about 10lbs for free. yay neighbors! I made a pear tart that had a recipe something like this:
-pull pre-made pie-crust out of fridge.
-make a paste by creaming butter & sugar, add eggs, almond extract, some flour (but not much) and some almonds dave pounded the shit out of in the mortar.
-spread almond paste on the pie crust (in the pie pan, silly!).
-Layer thinly sliced pears evenly and beautifully across the paste until you're satisfied you've used enough.
-stick it in the oven til it's done.
-eat the hell out of it! it's good!
If you feel like getting fancy(ier) serve it with half+half or whipped cream.
1 comment:
Hi ya Rose (tis Sarah T.)...
I have an excellent and easy fruit cobler recipe that may help you get rid of some of those pears (but in a good way of course).
-take one whole stick of butter and melt it in a baking pan in the oven.
-add equal parts of sugar and all purpose flour (about 1 cup each depending on how big your pan is) with one (small) can of sweet condensed milk 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 1 teaspoon of baking soda...mix it all up!
-cut a bunch of pears into bite size or slightly larger pieces...put them into the butter
-pour sweat white mixer (flour, sugar, etc.) over top of the fruit.
-bake it until you think it's done (it will be a little mushy...it should not be completely dry)
-serve warm with vanilla ice cream!
I hope I didn't forget something...
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